Meditation und Gebet

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Zen meditation focus on the question, “What is the mind?”

In order to have spiritual experiences, first you need to pray. You need to focus your mind. If you can, you should descend to the zero point. What is the quickest way to achieve this? To go to the zero point, the quickest way is to humble yourself. That is why people who practice Zen meditation focus on the question, “What is the mind?” The answer is very simple. As God is the eternal, ideal subject of goodness, the mind can at any time achieve the position of an unchanging object partner in front of that subject being.

This is why Buddhism encourages us to meditate

Our mind constantly redirects us along our way. It tells us, “Turn around. Return to the ancient place. Return to the deepest place in your mind.” This is why Buddhism encourages us to meditate. The reality of our life on earth is that through our original mind’s guidance we sorrowfully seek our original selves. Once we have purified ourselves and returned to the ancient place, it is excruciating to recall our past, even in dreams. God’s goal is to eliminate this kind of sorrow-filled life.

Setzt euch mit euerem Gemüt an einen ruhigen Ort und meditiert

Ihr solltet Euch Zeit nehmen, Freude mit euerem Gemüt zu erleben. Für andere mag es so aussehen, als ob ihr ganz alleine seid; aber während dieser Zeit sollt ihr euch mit euerem Gemüt anfreunden. Setzt euch mit euerem Gemüt an einen ruhigen Ort und meditiert. Dann werdet ihr in einen Zustand tiefen Gebetes versetzt. Ihr werdet auf diese Weise eine Welt betreten, die niemand auße euch kennt. Ihr braucht solche Erfahrungen.

the revolution of heart

The second part of shedding the fallen nature comes from the fact that, by no fault of our own, we are descendants of the Fall and have inherited fallen nature from birth. Therefore, it is the urgent task of each of us to bring about three great revolutions in our individual lives. I refer to the revolution of atonement, the revolution of conscience, and the revolution of heart.

our internal organs will receive stimulation and vibrate with emotion

The more we approach God, following our conscientious minds, the more we can feel peace, happiness and fulfillment within our hearts. If we follow God’s love, which is the womb of peace, our internal organs will receive stimulation and vibrate with emotion. After living our lives in this way, we will end them gloriously and with confidence.

Somit müsst ihr meditieren und beten

Wenn Menschen selbstbewusst sind, haben sie tief in ihrem Herzen einen Ort, wo das Gemüt sich wohlfühlen kann. Euer Geist sollte den Weg zu diesem Platz finden. Wenn er etwas von seiner Müdigkeit weggeschlafen hat, wird er wieder sensibel werden. Wenn ihr diesen Moment benutzt, um euer Gemüt ohne andere Gedanken in euerem Kopf zu fokussieren, dann werdet ihr in der Lage sein, alles andere herauszufinden. Somit müsst ihr meditieren und beten.

meditation, self-discipline, etc. This is very stupid

Some people try to grow spiritually, develop their own spititual life and reach God through meditation, self-discipline, etc. This is very stupid. The one who goes to God fastest and achives the closest position is the one who loves others and witnesses to them in order to bring them to God. You can grow much faster snd develop much mor quickly. Don't just meditate for you own spirit. You may draw some spirits, but not God. No matter how much you pray, it doesn't do much good if you are only centered upon yourself. Allways love others.

© BLI - Thomas Schuh 2024